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Muscle Stimulator enables you to target your training and strengthen more muscle in less time so that you can achieve peak performance and fitness without muscle fatigue.Key Benefits:Gain explosive speed and powerImprove endurance of the musclesIncreases healing of tissues by enhancing protein synthesis and increased micro circulationReduced risk of injury through proper warm upBuild muscle size and densityIncrease vertical and muscle reaction timeIncrease local blood flow to sore and achy musclesPain management Through increased circulation and mobility When to use:Strength trainingRe-innervation of musclesHealing Tissue repairRelaxation of spasmImproving MobilityEdema reductionTechnical Specifications:Therapeutic:30-300 msec (10 msec step)Diagnostic: .01 .03 .1 .3 1 3 10 100 300 msecTreatment Modes: Iontophorosis Galvanic Intermittent Galvanic Faradic Surged FaradicSurged Faradic:On Time: 1-10 secOff Time: 1-10 sec